Thursday, April 21, 2011

Orthodontist Update

Hey Everyone

So I went for another quick check up last Monday and everything is still going well, no complications. I need to keep turning and go back in two weeks. At the next appointment he is going to put elastics on the anchorage plates to start changing my bite. I am a little anxious on whether it will hurt or be uncomfortable - ill soon find out!

On another note I am so glad its an extra long weekend here in Australia so I have 5 days off. I desperately need it as I am exhausted! My first day back at work last week was my first day in a new role within the company, on top of that I was still doing my old job. To make it worse I have had to train the new girl all of this week and do my new job which has not been kind to my mouth!!
The fact I have had had to talk so much trying to train someone has really made my mouth sore. I have had to take pain killers most nights and even sometimes during the day. I come home and my cheeks feel swollen and I start to slur my words as my cheeks are tired, its crazy. So I do not suggest having leave and starting a new job on your first day back from surgery, I am an idiot hahaha

Another problem I have had this week is migraines. I have been busy which contributes but I also know I am clenching my jaw during my sleep as it actually woke me up last night because it was causing pain. I really hope that I stop clenching and grinding once he starts adjusting my bite as I wont be able to handle getting these migraines again.

Well im off to enjoy my Easter and Anzac day, HAPPY EASTER & ANZAC DAY Everyone! Hopefully I will win at two up!


  1. Awww I really hope you get a lot of relaxation this weekend. Hope everything heals great. It sounds like you have had a crazy week. Can't wait to read your updates :)

  2. Have a great break, so sorry that you are getting the migranes. I def find overnight and first thing in the morning really painful and the jaw feels so stiff! Im on twice a day turning now day but the pain when I turn is so extreme I couldn't do it! Luckily my GP gave me some super strength pain killers which help take the edge off! Im 17 days post SARPE now and my gap is growing and starting to get me down. Chin up though, all for the best in the long run. Have a super break and feel better real soon :) x

  3. Thanks Girls, I have slept in the past two mornings and its been raining so I have had plenty of rest :)
    @Amylou - I asked my ortho if I can turn twice and day and he didnt want me too (I am really impatient), from what you are saying im glad im not. If your gap is getting you down I have seen some girls put dental wax inbetween their teeth so its not noticable, maybe give that a try.

  4. Thanks mate, I'll ask my ortho about it, I look like a walrus!! haha! You gotta laugh though! The twice daily turn is really grim, I've had a really rough weekend, it's very painful! Still, onwards and upwards, and hopefully the end results will be worth it all! :) x
