Friday, April 22, 2011

My mouth is quite talented!!! :)

Just another little random thing I am finding as my gap gets bigger is now my mouth is like a musical instrument!
When I talk and say some words my gap makes a whistle sound, its can be quite embarrassing actually haha
And when I push my tongue against the inside of my palate is makes a lovely clicking/popping noise. Noone can really hear it but me, but when I tell people about it they get pretty grossed out haha I think the noise is actually coming from my jaw moving and being a little loose from the bone being broken.
Oh well I have to have some amusement through the whole process............

For all the other SARPE patients out there, how annoying is it having to explain to everyone what's happened to your face??????????????? Seriously, I sound like a broken record and have a set answer for everyone.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with the explaining part! Im not even half way through and my gap's already HUGE! People look at you and you can see them thinking "what's wrong with her teeth!?" I may just get a t-shirt with "I'm having dental treatment" on it! |Hope you are feeling well xx
