Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sleep specialist appointment

Well I had my appointment with the sleep specialist today which just confirmed what the orthodontists have been saying, I do have a sleep disorder because of my bite and tongue. I don't have sleep apnea but he does thinks I have Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome (UARS). I haven't had a sleep test but he was quite certain I have it from my assessment today, so much so he isnt bothering doing a test because the SARPE surgery should fix the problem. I only need to see him again if the surgery does not help.
A quick run down on what UARS is, basically I am having very disrupted sleeps without even realising. Because my palate is so narrow and my tongue does not sit properly it falls back when im sleeping and obstructing my airways which causes my brain to react and prompts me to move positions. They call them arousels and describe it like someone a couple of times an hour poking you and disturbing you. Because my palate is narrow my nose  cavity is as well which is causing blockages in my nose and hence I breath through my mouth.
If you google UARS I have probably 80% of the symptoms!
After years of complaining about being tired its actually refreshing to know that I do actually have a problem, as strange as that sounds. I have seen so many doctors for various symptoms but they never found anything - until now! I dont feel like such a freak anymore.


  1. That is exciting!
    Do you feel really tired a lot?

  2. Yes most days I feel tired, just very fatigued with no motivation to exercise etc. Alot of mornings I wake up and still feel tired for a few hours even after having between 8 - 10 hrs sleep. I have been complaining about it since my teenage years and even had a nose operation which was suppose to help, but it didnt.
