Sunday, June 19, 2011

My first infection

Hey Everyone
I am back from Hawaii and had a fantastic time. But unfortunately what I brought back with me was an infection in my bottom right anchorage plate :(  I noticed it on the last couple of days in Waikiki but I was prepared and had some Savacol anticeptic mouth wash with me which seemed to have helped. But a few days after I returned it flared up again. I am now on anti biotics and it doesnt seem to be helping just yet. Fingers crossed in the next few days it gets better. It isnt really that sore, its just very gross - too much info alert - I have some puss coming from it when I push on the site with a toothbrush.

I just hope it clears up and doesn't keep recurring. I have a feeling it will though, one of the main down sides of this treatment.....

Also my gap has pretty much GONE and I dont even have braces yet. My teeth have moved so much over the past couple of weeks and my top jaw has come down. I use to be able to put my pinky finger in between my top and bottom jaw but i cant now. I will post some photos soon of my progress.
I have also noticed I am starting to look different and people have commented on how my face has changed. I saw a recent photo of myself and noticed how much wider my smile was - I really like it :)